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Darren Gilkison

Spotlight on the Master Scuba Diver Challenge

The Master Scuba Diver rating is the equivalent of the “Black Belt” for recreational scuba divers interested in developing their diving skills further but not necessarily interested in going down the professional route to become a PADI Pro. To achieve this rating divers need to complete the Advanced Open Water, Rescue Diver, five Specialty Diver Courses and log fifty divers. The Specialty Diver ratings can be any five but we thought it would be fun to put some together for you!


ECO Master Scuba Diver Challenge

  • Peak Performance Buoyancy

  • Fish Identification

  • Underwater Navigation

  • Underwater Naturalist

  • Coral Reef Conservation

  • Project Aware

Extreme Master Scuba Diver

  • Deep

  • Wreck

  • Diver Propulsion

  • Search and Recovery

  • Enriched Air


Rescue Master Scuba Diver

  • Peak Performance Buoyancy

  • Underwater Navigation

  • Search and Recovery

  • Equipment Specialty

  • Emergency Oxygen Provider

"BBT" Master Scuba Diver

(Big Boys (or Girls) Toys)

  • Equipment Specialty

  • Digital Underwater Photography

  • Diver Propulsion Vehicle

  • Computer Diver

  • Enriched Air

  • Underwater Videography

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